The group division welcomes everyone; it is also a platform for networking!
We are open to new research and/or teaching project ideas thematically related to our group division. Support options are also available.
For membership requests, please send us an e-mail at We are currently working on the creation of a mailing-list.
We plan to have meetings at least twice a year:
One meeting at DMV conference, and another one in Spring or Fall accordingly.
Contactpersons for different topics are:
Lara Gildehaus (Communication with GDM)
Sira Busch (Transidentity and Neurodiversity)
Spokespersons are:
Gudrun Thäter, Karlsruhe
Ralf Köhl, Kiel
Lara Gildehaus, Paderborn
Additional Spokespersons are:
Andrea Blunck, Hamburg
Büşra Sert, Dresden